Type your Song here
Small Resolution!
How to begin:
1) Turn on CAPS LOCK. 2) Click on the area above and start typing. Example: First, press I on your keyboard (or select the red bar tool on the left) in order to begin your first bar. Then, press A M in order to write your first chord. Press Spacebar to proceed to the second chord. Press D M 7. Press I again to go to the next bar. Take a look at your Print Previw on the page on the right. 3) Continue & Have Fun!
Quick Instructions to start writing your song:
1) Turn on CAPS LOCK. 2) Click on the area above and start typing. Example: First, press I on your keyboard (or select the red bar tool on the left) in order to begin your first bar. Then, press A M in order to write your first chord. Press Spacebar to proceed to the second chord. Press D M 7. Press I again to go to the next bar. Take a look at your Print Previw on the page on the right. 3) Continue & Have Fun!
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