ChordPage is the best and fastest way for musicians to create Chord Chart Pages for their songs

How to use ChordPage

Choose your way of learning!

Get the basics - The quick way (Duration: 10 seconds)

The quickest way to start typing is to follow the instructions when you press the Quick Help! button in the bottom left corner of the app.
You can use your keyboard to type (if you remember the keys) or the toolbox on the left. Learn by practicing. It is very easy!

Useful Querstions and Answers


All you need - The video way - Duration: 2 minutes

Watch the video to see how to use ChordPage more effectively.
Coming Soon!

Musical symbols

Category Symbol Examples Term Keyboard keys
{{Category}} {{Symbol}} {{Example}} {{Term}} {{Key}}

Other useful information

Method of authentication

You can sign-in with your Google Account (Gmail) or with your personal e-mail. We suggest using your Google account, because it has better integration with the overall experience of ChordPage.

We do not send e-mails!

In either case we will not send you any emails unless you do ask for something specifically (submit a question, reset your password etc).

Supported browsers

The supported browsers for ChordPage are: Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. So, we advise you to use these. Also, the recommended screen analysis is 1920x1080 px, but the application should still work properly on at least 1366x768 px.

Everything - The full documentation way - Duration: More time!

Just read the following! Coming Soon!